Love HeartWood’s Journal

Rustic Wedding Ideas – Wasing Park Open Day Autumn 2019

by | Oct 14, 2019 | journal, weddings | 0 comments

I didn’t really know what to expect of my first wedding fair. I never went to any when planning my own wedding. However, I’m happy to say I had a great time. I love hearing about wedding plans and I met some wonderful couples and their families. Many people were using the Open Day as an opportunity for their close family to see the venue and plan the room allocations. So essential for making sure everyone can enjoy the Big Day.

The staff at Wasing Park were absolutely lovely too. As well as making the guests feel welcome and comfortable they made sure all the suppliers were happy and comfortable too. They even brought us lunch!

I became a recommended supplier for Wasing Park earlier on this year and we’ve been working on a project that I can now reveal. If you’re having your wedding at Wasing from April 2020 on, I can make your favours and gifts from wood from the Wasing Park estate! This really does gives them a sense of place and specialness.

The outside of the Castle Barn decorated with upcycled tennis rackets. The Castle Barn’s where the Reception takes place.
The most beautifully romantic floral table centres by Ruby & Grace inside the Castle Barn.
The garden room is just one of the places you can have your ceremony at Wasing. Others include St Nicolas’ Church and the Victorian summer house.

Wooden Wedding Favours

These little wooden name tags proved very popular with everyone. Highly practical and unusual they make a great place name and favour in one.
If you want a fun ice breaker on your table how about personalised spinning tops? Again they do double duty as both place name and favour reducing waste and saving money. They can be coloured to match the wedding colour scheme or all different. it’s your choice.
This little lady makes a cute thank you for a flower girl or ring bearer. Wedding peg dolls can be painted in a matching outfit. Adding a personalised message on the base really makes her an extra special thank you. Page boys also available.

Woodland Inspired Thank You Gifts

Unique bridesmaid gifts are hard to find. By choosing hand made and sustainable you’re showing your love for your besties and the planet. Love HeartWood’s Acorn Jewellery Collection contains earrings, pendants and brooches that provide a little nod to nature if you’re having an Autumn wedding.
It can also be hard to find something meaningful to show your appreciation of your groomsmen and ushers. Love HeartWood’s wooden cuff links come in gold or silver. All wood is from Wasing of course.
Woods shown from left to right are oak, Ash , Silver Birch and Yew.

Suppliers with Something Special

Want something a bit retro and fun? Vintage Camper Booths. Guests can step inside, get dressed up and take a snap or record a video message.
Another sustainable, natural supplier Blossom Blessings. They provide gorgeous petal confetti and soothing herbal favours.

I’m looking forward to developing my relationship with Wasing Park. I’m so pleased to be able to work with wood that comes from their extensive woodland. To be able to create special tokens of thanks and love for such a significant day in people’s lives is a real thrill for me.


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